Monday, July 13, 2015

Open Bible

Philip 4:9 “Those things which ye have both learned and received and heard and seen in me, do; and the God of peace shall be with you.”-
 Our lives are open books for others to see. Weather we realize it or not, people are learning from us. The things we teach others is important. It is essential that we teach the Word and stay focus our teaching on what Christ did for us and to follow the ways of Christ and the message of full obedience. The gospel is one of sharing the grace of God and giving out to others the hope of eternal life. We received from God His mercy and grace, now we must do what we can to give it out so that others may receive it. We live in a day that people are skeptical of anyone who thinks that their way is the only way. It is not wise to “shove” the Bible in people’s face. God’s Word is quick and powerful and is able to bring healing to hurting hearts. We must be wise in are use of sharing His love and grace. The most powerful message we can give people to for them to see the life of Christ that we live. Our life will speak volumes to those who are watching. What do people see in me? Do they see a judgmental, self-righteous, holier than thou person, or do they see someone who is kind, loving, forgiving, selfless, understanding, truthful, and with Godly ambitions. These things are not done in our own human goodness, it takes the Holy Spirit to help us do what is right and good. With His help, we can teach, give, speak, and live a life that will show others what it means to be a Christian and have the peace of God.

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