Monday, January 20, 2014

What is Greatness?

Mark 10:43-44 “But so shall it not be among you: but whosoever will be great among you shall be your minister,  and whosoever of you would be the chiefest shall be servant of all.”- 

The world views greatness when one achieves power, prosperity, popularity or political favor. This is evident in a culture where people are idolized for the feat that they accomplish. Whether it be in music, sports, or in Hollywood, man without God has a twisted view of greatness. In the eyes of God, what is greatness? It is a rare occasion in our media culture that a person is recognized for their selfless giving and holy desire to serve others. The Christian world view sees things through the eyes of Jesus. What does he have to say about true greatness? In spite of wanting to achieve success and a measure of greatness, such aspiration are only truly obtain when we humble ourselves before God and give of our best to the master by serving and giving to help others in time of need. Always willing to give rather than to receive.

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