Saturday, January 4, 2014

Things Happen

Phil. 1:12 “But I would ye should understand, brethren, that the things which have happened unto me have turned out unto the furtherance of the Gospel”- 

It is tough to understand why things turn out the way they do sometimes. The situations in our lives are often unwelcome and undesirable. We ask God, “For what purpose did this happen?” Everyone that walks this earth will encounter good and bad things, but for the Christian it essential for us to understand that God has a purpose and reason for life’s situations to occur. Satan desires is that we blame God for the bad things that happen since God knows and allows these things to take place. God has promises if we trust Him, He will make the bad turn to good and His Name will be glorified and His kingdom will advance. We must allow God to take our situation and use it to His glory.

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