Saturday, January 18, 2014

We Do Not Have To Fall

Jude 1:24 “ Now unto Him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy,”- 

If no one is perfect, then why does the Word say that we can be faultless? If it is not possible not to sin, then why does the Word say that He can keep us from falling? It would be arrogant to think that in our own human efforts that we can keep ourselves faultless. So, it would stand to reason that with God all things are possible, and if we seek Him first in everything we do that he can lead us through times of temptation and keep us spotless from the taint of sin. Praise be to God who is able by His power and grace to sustain us in our time of need and help us to stay focus on the mark. We don’t have to “miss the mark” if you keep our eyes on Jesus.

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