Monday, January 13, 2014

God Gives The Increase

1 Thess 3:6 “But now when Timothy came from you unto us, and brought us good tidings of your faith and charity, and that ye have a good remembrance of us always and desire greatly to see us (as we also desire to see you),”-  

God’s work is done by a collection of people who desire to see His kingdom come to pass. It is our responsibility to be faithful to the calling that God has called us to. Seeing an increase in numbers added to your fellowship is always encouraging, but it is not the main indicator of God’s approbation. We all plant the see, water it and cultivate the ground, but it is God who is given the glory for the increase of numbers or spiritual growth. Paul sowed the seed in Thess, but Timothy came back with a good report. and God was given the praise. May He increase in our hearts that others may see the works of Christ working in our lives. 

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