Thursday, January 30, 2014

Death of His Saints

Psalm 116:15 “Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints”-

 It is the fate of all men to live and someday die. The passing of many in the last months brings the reality of death to the forefront to my daily thoughts. Michael, Maria, Doris Meeks, and word yesterday of Spamps mother passing away. The hope of those who live for Christ is that death is but portal into the presence of God. It is the end reward in life to be with Jesus in physical death. The Lord looks down and with great care, views the treasure of heart and extols the virtue of the soul to be of great value. His saint! The one that lives out their life to bring glory and honor to his name. He welcomes them with open arms and treasures His children through out eternity. 

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