Thursday, January 2, 2014

Desire the Word

(1 Peter 2:2) “As newborn babes, desire the pure milk of the word, that you may grow thereby” -

 Growing in the things of God does not come without effort and purpose. As it was in the day of Ezra, the people hungered for more of the word of God. It was their life substance to feast of the commandments of God. As Christians, we must not be satisfied with just a morsel or crumbs from the master’s table. If we want to grow strong in Christ we must consume His word and make it a vital part of our lives. Every day we should be like babies who cry out to fill the appetite and longing of our heart to have more of Him. If we are going to be able to stand in the test of time, we must be strong in God, and this comes by learning more about Him and putting into practice the things we learn in our daily lives. Let us not go a day without spiritual nourishment we need.

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