Sunday, December 28, 2008

Eternal Bliss

Rev. 22: 1-5, 12-17

O’ what a day that will be when my Savior I shall see. O’ what glory and wonder when we enter into the eternal bliss of God’s eternal abode. Christ the light of heaven is also the light of the world willing that all should be led out of darkness. The invitation is given to all who are willing to take of the water of life, keep His commandments, and adorn, themselves in the wedding garment of God’s purity. A bride prepared to receive her groom. Let us all heed the invitation, and come to the Savior entering in to His eternal bliss.

Source of Life - proceeding out of the throne of God
• Internal dwelling place of heaven
• Water- He that is thirsty…
• He will never thirst again- life’s eternal satisfaction
Side of the River – Side of the river…
• As it was in the Garden of Eden
• The tree of life-species of twelve manner of fruits
• Eternal substance
Servants of God – His servants shall serve Him
• The perfection of worship is service
• Perfect consecration- Imperfection removed
• Will it be possible to sin? No. There will no sin
Shadows and Darkness Gone – No night there
• The city of God will be void of darkness
• Christ will be the light of this city
• The earth will still have seasons
Start to Finish – I am Alpha and Omega
• He was there with God – Elohim- Let Us…
• He will be there when it is all finished- Plan of Salvation
Sin is Forbidden – For without …
• Anyone who lives a lie will not be able to enter in
• Only they that do His Commandment
• Those who have washed their robes
Star of the Morning – Jesus…The bright and morning star
• Jesus sent His angels- ambassadors for Christ
• Morning star to lead His people out of darkness
Spirit Says Come - Spirit and bride say, Come.
• The redeemed of the Lord say Come
• We are to be ambassadors for Christ
• He that wanting peace, relationship, forgiveness. Come
• God is not partial. Whosoever- surely means me, and you!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

The Son of the Highest

Luke 1:26-35

In due time God sent His son into the world to save the world from sin. The mission of Christ was to take on the flesh of Man and show His love by giving His life for all humanity. His name speaks of His mission. Jehovah salvation, Emmanuel, God is with us. Jesus, The reason we share and show love and good cheer to all mankind. May the birth of Christ be the focus of our celebration during every Christmas holiday.

Angel Sent From God - Gabriel was sent from God

  • God’s timing- God who at sundry times…
  • To the City of Nazareth

Appeared to Mary – And the angel came in unto her

  • Anticipation of all Jewish women-
  • Chosen of God- God has a plan for all.
  • Favored, not worshiped. Only God can answer prayer

Astounding Announcement – Shall conceived a son

  • You are special to God
  • Immaculate conception
  • A name above all other names- Jehovah is salvation

Afraid and Fearful – She was troubled

  • Such visitations did not occur in those day
  • Fear of the unknown
  • Confused by the angels words

Apprehension of Mary – How shall this thing be?

  • Inquiry more than doubting.
  • Reputation and Image- What will others think?

Answers From the Angels – And the angel answered

  • This Child is not born of Man
  • The Father is this child will be the Holy Ghost
  • Both God and Man – The Son of God made flesh.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

New Heaven and New Earth

Revelation 20:7-15

The world as we know it will someday changed. All things will pass away and behold all things will become new. It will be a transformation. The earth will undergo a new birth. It must be born again. It will be purged and made fit as a tabernacle for God and His people. There will be no sin there. For all sin has been eradicated and cast into the lake of fire.

Destruction of the old Earth - the first earth passed away
• Destroyed by fire
• Renovated to be something else
• No more sea- He is the water of life
• Will there be a sun- Will he be the light of the world
Descending of New Jerusalem – New Jerusalem coming down
• A new city coming down from heaven
• What is this city made of?
Dwelling Place of God – Behold the tabernacle of God
• He desires to tabernacle with us
• Abiding in Him- We are the property of God
Death and Sorrow Are Gone – there shall be no more death
• There will be no reason to be sad, sorrow, or pain
• Memory wiped out- former things pass away
• There is no illness, aging, accidents to cause death
Deity of Christ – Sat upon the throne
• The creator- All things were created by Him
• He is the Word- True and faithful
• He is alpha and Omega. Was, Is, and ever will be
Drinking from the Fountain – the fountain of the water of life
• It is done- complete salvation
• He has promise to them that desire drink- water
• This salvation is free to us. No money can buy it
Death of the Wicked- Which is the second death
• Fearful- They that fear the judgment
• Unbelieving- In the only begotten Son of God
• Abominable- Sins that go beyond understanding- perverted
• Murderers- Acts of hatred- bitterness
• Whoremongers- Immorality- fornicators-
• Sorcerers- Evil spirits, Powers from Satan
• Idolaters-Anything that you put before God
• Liars- Black lies, White lies, dishonesty
• All will be cast into the hot fires of Hell never to live again.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

The Last Battle

Revelation 20:7-15

The battle that will end all wars will someday be fought. There will be no human artillery in this battle. The Lord God will use fire from heaven to destroy all Christ rejecters and Satan will also be cast into the lake of fire. All sinners will give account for what they did with Christ. Those who are not found in the book of life will be given their reward. The justice of God demands payment. Payment for sin in only made when the blood of Christ is applied to the doorpost of our hearts. “When I see the blood, I will pass over you”

Restraining Satan - bound him a thousand year vs. 1-3

  • The devil is chain and bound
  • Cast into the bottomless pit
  • Shut up and sealed for a thousand years

Reign of Christ – They live and reigned with Christ vs. 4-5

  • Saints beheaded for Christ
  • Did not receive the mark of the beast
  • No sin, no Satan, but the flesh lives

Release of Satan – Satan shall be loose out of his prison

  • Just for a season
  • Satan’s last chance
  • Army is gathered- Gog and magog- sand of sea

Rebellion and Deception – shall go out to deceive

  • Those born in the Millennium are tested
  • The heart is deceitful and wicked- turn against Christ Lordship

Rain of Fire – fire came down from heaven

  • The army surrounded the city of Jerusalem
  • God send fire from heaven to destroy them
  • The battle is the Lords- He will fight for us

Released into Hell – the devil…cast in the lake of fire

  • Satan is thrown into the fire that quenches not
  • The beast and the false prophet are already there
  • Will be in torment for ever and ever

Resurrection of the Dead- And I saw the dead

  • The dead are brought before God to give an account
  • Name not found in the book of life

Revelation of Sinful Deeds- according to their works

  • The “books” were open- things recorded in God’s account book
  • Punishment given out in degrees- Hell will burn hotter

Reward of the Unbeliever- cast into the lake of fire

  • The 1st death and hades was cast into Hell fire
  • This is the second death- will be no end- perpetual dying

Sunday, November 23, 2008


Revelation 19:11-21

As they stand there with defiant hearts, Christ with His eyes of flaming fire penetrates their darken soul. And in a moment of time from the mouth of Christ, a sword goes forth as He speaks the words that smite all that is wicked and evil. Who is able to stand against the wrath of God?

Faithful and True - He that sat was called faithful and true

  • What he says is true- It will come to pass
  • His word will not return void
  • He come to fulfill justice- Days of mercy are passed
  • We serve one that is faithful and true to his word.

Flame of Fire – His eyes were as a flame of fire

  • His eyes penetrated through the darkness
  • He was crowned with majesty- too many to count

Following Army – the armies which were in heaven followed Him

  • They were all on white horses- emulating their leader
  • They had on the robe of righteousness- made pure
  • They came along for the “ride” Christ was the victor

Fierce Wrath of God – the winepress of the fierceness of God

  • Sharp sword from the mouth of Christ
  • Rule with the rod of iron- there shall be none that will oppose.
  • Treadeth the winepress- “Crushing of grapes”
  • Fierceness and wrath of the Almighty God
  • He comes in all His glory- King of Kings, Lord of All

Fowls Called to Supper – Gather together to the supper

  • Supper of the great God- Follows supper of the lamb in heaven
  • Eat the flesh of those left dead after battle

Fires of Hell – cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone

  • The folly of making war with Christ
  • All that followed or were deceived by Satan were cast away
  • Cast alive into sulfurous fire

Sunday, November 16, 2008

The Great Marriage Supper

Revelation 19:1-10

The greatest celebration is yet to come. The table of God is spread and He invites all to come and sup. The call is given out to all who have made Christ king and Lord of their lives. The bride is made ready dressed in the robes of righteousness. The wicked have been judged and the feast is made ready. Let us come to worship at His feet and dine eternally.

Great Voices in Heaven - I heard a great voice of much people

  • Chorus of the Redeemed. Those written in the book of life
  • A voice that gives glory to God- He is worthy

Great Whore is Judged – for he hath judged the great whore

  • Who is God? He is true to His word. Judgments are sure
  • Whore- Can be bought. Sold to Sin.
  • Has prostituted itself for wealth, popularity and power
  • Those who knew the truth and have rejected Christ
  • Avenger of the Saint who were killed for Christ sake.

Great Praise and Worship – And again they said, Alleluia

  • The shout of praise- Rose like smoke- non stop
  • 24 elders -The redeemed church- Church leaders-Patriarchs
  • 4 beast- The kingdoms of the earth- He is Lord of Lords
  • They all fell in submission to Christ-On the Throne
  • Let all the people praise Him- small and great

Great Multitude – the voice of great multitude

  • Voices of many waters and thundering
  • For he is omnipotent and RULES by His command

Great Preparation – and his wife hath made herself ready

  • The bride has prepare for this event- Made pure
  • Requirements to be part of the bride- the church
  • The Righteousness of the saint- Through the blood of the lamb

Great Marriage Supper – Blessed are they which are called

  • The invitation was given to all- “Come unto me”
  • Whosoever will, Let him….
  • Bless are they that hunger and thirst after God

Great God Alone- worship God: for the testimony of Jesus

  • The folly of worshiping anything or anybody except Christ
  • He Alone is worthy to be worships-
  • Give honor and respect, but true obedience’s belongs to God

Sunday, November 9, 2008

An Army Gathered- Armageddon

Revelation 16:12-20

The day of reckoning has finally arrived. The foolish and wicked are finally put to silence. The day of repentance has passed and now man must meet his maker. The wrath of God and final judgment is poured out on all those who made their choice to worship the beast and the false prophet. Even in the face of imminent doom, man refuses to acknowledge Christ as Lord. Their heart has rebelled and hardened itself against the warning of destruction. They foolishly go forward into battle being deceived by Satan that they can overcome the God of heaven and earth. It will not be until the great judgment day that they will realize that Christ is Lord of Lords, and King of Kings. Today is the day of salvation. May we fall on our knees now and make Him Lord of our lives.

Reapers of the Vineyard - Chapter 14

  • 144,000 with Christ
  • Warning of judgment is given- Last chance- Fear God
  • Judgment to come to those with the mark of the beast
  • Reapers gather the wicked into the wine press of God’s Wrath

Rejoicing in Heaven – Chapter 15

  • The song of the redeemed- those who died for the lamb
  • They who refused to worship to the Beast
  • He is Holy, Almighty, Lord of All, and Righteous in judgment

Revelation of the Bowls – Chapter 16: 1-12

  • Sores on the body
  • Sea of Blood- life in the sea dies
  • Spring water turned to blood
  • Sun becomes hotter
  • Sunshine turns to Darkness
  • Source of Life is dried up- Euphrates river

Ready for Battle – …to gather them to battle

  • Dragon, beast, false prophet – spirit of divination
  • Battle of all battles
  • Armageddon- historical battleground

Reckoning Day – it is done, the mountains were not found

  • God speaks the word and it is finished- DONE
  • Earthquake at every fault line- earth plates collide and sink
  • All the great cities crumbles to the earth
  • The earthly kingdom of Satan falls under the wrath of God
  • The earth swallowed itself- Open and disappeared.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

The Beast

Revelation 13:1-10

The vision that John sees is seen by many to be the embodiment of Satan during the tribulation. The Beast represents all the wicked powers of the earth brought into one embodiment. The Beast will lure the people by claiming to bring peace and unity to the world. His religious rhetoric will fool many into thinking he is right and there is no other who can unity the people as one. He is the great deceiver, only those whose name have been written to the book of life will be able to discern his deception, but they pay a great price when they refuse to worship him. The beast will rule and overcome all true righteousness for the duration of 3 and half years.

Sea Monster - and saw a beast rise out of the sea

  • Seven horns-the complete embodiment of Satan
  • Ten horns, ten crowns- Represent the kings of the earth
  • The name of blasphemy- He will seem as being sacred

Symbols of Empires – the dragon gave him his power

  • Leopard- Greek- swift to conquer- Alexander the Great
  • Bear- Medo-Persian- Tenacity, unyielding, no compromise
  • Lion- Babylon Empire- veracity, devouring, destroying
  • Fourth beast seen by Daniel- summary of all- The Romans

Similarities to Christ –who is like unto the beast- dead, yet he lives

  • Head wounded to death- Appears to have been slain (wounded)
  • His wound was healed- Made alive, slain yet liveth
  • Appears as an angel of light, wolf in sheep skin- AntiChrist

Speaks with Blasphemy – he opened his mouth in blaspheme

  • He spoke as he was God- Used sacred things for his purpose
  • He took on the name of God
  • He used the once sacred places of God’s dwelling to rule

Saints are Overpowered – make war with the saint and overcome

  • Who are these Saints- Are they the remnant that hid
  • 144,000 have already fled to the desert for protection
  • These remnant gave their lives for refusing to worship

Serving the Beast –all that dwell on the earth shall worship him

  • The whole world viewed the beast (Ruler) as King
  • Thet Worshiped- Served this world leader
  • These were those who refused to yield their hearts to Christ

Sword or Faith– must be killed with the sword

  • To what degree should one defend themselves with force
  • The true saint will yield to God in Faith- God’s Providence

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Tormenting Locust

Revelation 9:1-12

These are days foretold by John that should cause all men to fall to their knees and acknowledge Christ as Lord of all. But, even with this warning, many will still deny the power of Christ to rule in their lives. For those who refuse to come under His Lordship, great torment will be afflicted. The pit of hell will open up and bring forth creatures that will cause the ungodly to seek death, but in vain, they will not find it. Woe unto those who call good evil and evil good, judgment is coming and all sinners shall see the wrath of God to come.

Four trumpets- events proceeding the fifth trumpet

  • First trumpet- hail, fire, blood
  • Second trumpet- a burning mountain-meteor
  • Third trumpet- fallen star- meteor- bitter waters
  • Fourth trumpet- stars, moon, sun- little light

Fallen Star – I saw a star fall from heaven

  • Angel of God
  • Satan cast to earth
  • Christ- holds the keys- From Savior to Judgment

Furnace and Smoke- the smoke of a great furnace

  • Bottomless pit- the Abyss- hell fire
  • Smoke caused darkness- evil proceeds from darkness

Fierce Locust – and there came out a smoke of locust

  • Body of a horse- with armor of protection- ready for battle
  • Tail like a scorpion- The sting of pain and suffering
  • Head of a man with long hair and a gold crown, teeth like a lion
  • Intelligent, ferocious, victorious, and conquer

Fear and Torment – tormented for 5 months

  • Fear will grip the heart of me- just looking at them
  • Their focus was to inflict pain- not death
  • Men and women will seek a place to hide

Faithful Spared –except for those who have the seal of God

  • 144,000 Jews- The protection of Israel- Passover
  • No indication that Gentiles will be included
  • God will protect His own- In His providence

Futility of Men– shall me seek death and not find it

  • Death is alluded
  • A glimpse of hell- pain and suffering

Future Woes

  • The wrath of God is poured out against the ungodly

Saturday, October 11, 2008

The Seals Opened

Revelation 6: 1-6, 12-17

As the seals are open, the vision of the different horses that John saw all represented events to come. The actual events are all speculation. Some teach that these events have already occurred, other think that these are events still to be fulfilled. In conclusion, no doubt the wicked will suffer for rejecting Christ, and the righteous will be with Christ forever.

White Horse- Behold a white horse

  • The first beast called- The lion- courage’s in battle-Victor
  • The horse- animal of war and battle
  • Victorious Trajan went forth toward the east
  • The birth of the church going forth to all nations
  • The Tribulation- Anti-Christ- victory through peace-diplomacy
  • Christ on a white horse- He comes for the victor in all situations

Red Horse – horse that was red

  • The second beast called- OX- Endurance and patience
  • Decebalus, king of Dacia wars against Trajan- lots of blood
  • The war against the church- persecution
  • The Tribulation- War between each other- shedding of blood
  • Judgment of those who reject the reign of Christ

Black Horse – and lo, a black horse

  • The third beast called- The man- compassion for the suffering
  • The famine in Egypt- land of plenty after the war
  • A famine of Spiritual food- Church goes underground
  • The Tribulation- famine- the poor suffer, the rich prosper
  • Famine of spiritual food- become reprobates- mockers

Ashen Horse – and behold a pale horse

  • The forth beast called- The eagle- intelligence- bird of prey
  • The desolation left a weaken nation, brought death
  • The church goes into the dark ages- the dead church
  • The Tribulation- death come to a fourth of the earth
  • Death and Hell is the final destination of those who reject

Altar of the Slain –souls of them that were slain

  • The invisible world- no connection to the previous metaphor
  • The martyrs, those left on earth, the angels on heaven

Black Sun & Red Moon – sun became black, moon as blood

  • The destruction of Jerusalem
  • Calamity to come when Christ returns
  • The wrath of the lamb- Redeemer becomes judge