Saturday, December 6, 2008

New Heaven and New Earth

Revelation 20:7-15

The world as we know it will someday changed. All things will pass away and behold all things will become new. It will be a transformation. The earth will undergo a new birth. It must be born again. It will be purged and made fit as a tabernacle for God and His people. There will be no sin there. For all sin has been eradicated and cast into the lake of fire.

Destruction of the old Earth - the first earth passed away
• Destroyed by fire
• Renovated to be something else
• No more sea- He is the water of life
• Will there be a sun- Will he be the light of the world
Descending of New Jerusalem – New Jerusalem coming down
• A new city coming down from heaven
• What is this city made of?
Dwelling Place of God – Behold the tabernacle of God
• He desires to tabernacle with us
• Abiding in Him- We are the property of God
Death and Sorrow Are Gone – there shall be no more death
• There will be no reason to be sad, sorrow, or pain
• Memory wiped out- former things pass away
• There is no illness, aging, accidents to cause death
Deity of Christ – Sat upon the throne
• The creator- All things were created by Him
• He is the Word- True and faithful
• He is alpha and Omega. Was, Is, and ever will be
Drinking from the Fountain – the fountain of the water of life
• It is done- complete salvation
• He has promise to them that desire drink- water
• This salvation is free to us. No money can buy it
Death of the Wicked- Which is the second death
• Fearful- They that fear the judgment
• Unbelieving- In the only begotten Son of God
• Abominable- Sins that go beyond understanding- perverted
• Murderers- Acts of hatred- bitterness
• Whoremongers- Immorality- fornicators-
• Sorcerers- Evil spirits, Powers from Satan
• Idolaters-Anything that you put before God
• Liars- Black lies, White lies, dishonesty
• All will be cast into the hot fires of Hell never to live again.

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