Sunday, November 2, 2008

The Beast

Revelation 13:1-10

The vision that John sees is seen by many to be the embodiment of Satan during the tribulation. The Beast represents all the wicked powers of the earth brought into one embodiment. The Beast will lure the people by claiming to bring peace and unity to the world. His religious rhetoric will fool many into thinking he is right and there is no other who can unity the people as one. He is the great deceiver, only those whose name have been written to the book of life will be able to discern his deception, but they pay a great price when they refuse to worship him. The beast will rule and overcome all true righteousness for the duration of 3 and half years.

Sea Monster - and saw a beast rise out of the sea

  • Seven horns-the complete embodiment of Satan
  • Ten horns, ten crowns- Represent the kings of the earth
  • The name of blasphemy- He will seem as being sacred

Symbols of Empires – the dragon gave him his power

  • Leopard- Greek- swift to conquer- Alexander the Great
  • Bear- Medo-Persian- Tenacity, unyielding, no compromise
  • Lion- Babylon Empire- veracity, devouring, destroying
  • Fourth beast seen by Daniel- summary of all- The Romans

Similarities to Christ –who is like unto the beast- dead, yet he lives

  • Head wounded to death- Appears to have been slain (wounded)
  • His wound was healed- Made alive, slain yet liveth
  • Appears as an angel of light, wolf in sheep skin- AntiChrist

Speaks with Blasphemy – he opened his mouth in blaspheme

  • He spoke as he was God- Used sacred things for his purpose
  • He took on the name of God
  • He used the once sacred places of God’s dwelling to rule

Saints are Overpowered – make war with the saint and overcome

  • Who are these Saints- Are they the remnant that hid
  • 144,000 have already fled to the desert for protection
  • These remnant gave their lives for refusing to worship

Serving the Beast –all that dwell on the earth shall worship him

  • The whole world viewed the beast (Ruler) as King
  • Thet Worshiped- Served this world leader
  • These were those who refused to yield their hearts to Christ

Sword or Faith– must be killed with the sword

  • To what degree should one defend themselves with force
  • The true saint will yield to God in Faith- God’s Providence

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