Saturday, October 11, 2008

The Seals Opened

Revelation 6: 1-6, 12-17

As the seals are open, the vision of the different horses that John saw all represented events to come. The actual events are all speculation. Some teach that these events have already occurred, other think that these are events still to be fulfilled. In conclusion, no doubt the wicked will suffer for rejecting Christ, and the righteous will be with Christ forever.

White Horse- Behold a white horse

  • The first beast called- The lion- courage’s in battle-Victor
  • The horse- animal of war and battle
  • Victorious Trajan went forth toward the east
  • The birth of the church going forth to all nations
  • The Tribulation- Anti-Christ- victory through peace-diplomacy
  • Christ on a white horse- He comes for the victor in all situations

Red Horse – horse that was red

  • The second beast called- OX- Endurance and patience
  • Decebalus, king of Dacia wars against Trajan- lots of blood
  • The war against the church- persecution
  • The Tribulation- War between each other- shedding of blood
  • Judgment of those who reject the reign of Christ

Black Horse – and lo, a black horse

  • The third beast called- The man- compassion for the suffering
  • The famine in Egypt- land of plenty after the war
  • A famine of Spiritual food- Church goes underground
  • The Tribulation- famine- the poor suffer, the rich prosper
  • Famine of spiritual food- become reprobates- mockers

Ashen Horse – and behold a pale horse

  • The forth beast called- The eagle- intelligence- bird of prey
  • The desolation left a weaken nation, brought death
  • The church goes into the dark ages- the dead church
  • The Tribulation- death come to a fourth of the earth
  • Death and Hell is the final destination of those who reject

Altar of the Slain –souls of them that were slain

  • The invisible world- no connection to the previous metaphor
  • The martyrs, those left on earth, the angels on heaven

Black Sun & Red Moon – sun became black, moon as blood

  • The destruction of Jerusalem
  • Calamity to come when Christ returns
  • The wrath of the lamb- Redeemer becomes judge

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