Sunday, November 30, 2008

The Last Battle

Revelation 20:7-15

The battle that will end all wars will someday be fought. There will be no human artillery in this battle. The Lord God will use fire from heaven to destroy all Christ rejecters and Satan will also be cast into the lake of fire. All sinners will give account for what they did with Christ. Those who are not found in the book of life will be given their reward. The justice of God demands payment. Payment for sin in only made when the blood of Christ is applied to the doorpost of our hearts. “When I see the blood, I will pass over you”

Restraining Satan - bound him a thousand year vs. 1-3

  • The devil is chain and bound
  • Cast into the bottomless pit
  • Shut up and sealed for a thousand years

Reign of Christ – They live and reigned with Christ vs. 4-5

  • Saints beheaded for Christ
  • Did not receive the mark of the beast
  • No sin, no Satan, but the flesh lives

Release of Satan – Satan shall be loose out of his prison

  • Just for a season
  • Satan’s last chance
  • Army is gathered- Gog and magog- sand of sea

Rebellion and Deception – shall go out to deceive

  • Those born in the Millennium are tested
  • The heart is deceitful and wicked- turn against Christ Lordship

Rain of Fire – fire came down from heaven

  • The army surrounded the city of Jerusalem
  • God send fire from heaven to destroy them
  • The battle is the Lords- He will fight for us

Released into Hell – the devil…cast in the lake of fire

  • Satan is thrown into the fire that quenches not
  • The beast and the false prophet are already there
  • Will be in torment for ever and ever

Resurrection of the Dead- And I saw the dead

  • The dead are brought before God to give an account
  • Name not found in the book of life

Revelation of Sinful Deeds- according to their works

  • The “books” were open- things recorded in God’s account book
  • Punishment given out in degrees- Hell will burn hotter

Reward of the Unbeliever- cast into the lake of fire

  • The 1st death and hades was cast into Hell fire
  • This is the second death- will be no end- perpetual dying

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