Sunday, November 23, 2008


Revelation 19:11-21

As they stand there with defiant hearts, Christ with His eyes of flaming fire penetrates their darken soul. And in a moment of time from the mouth of Christ, a sword goes forth as He speaks the words that smite all that is wicked and evil. Who is able to stand against the wrath of God?

Faithful and True - He that sat was called faithful and true

  • What he says is true- It will come to pass
  • His word will not return void
  • He come to fulfill justice- Days of mercy are passed
  • We serve one that is faithful and true to his word.

Flame of Fire – His eyes were as a flame of fire

  • His eyes penetrated through the darkness
  • He was crowned with majesty- too many to count

Following Army – the armies which were in heaven followed Him

  • They were all on white horses- emulating their leader
  • They had on the robe of righteousness- made pure
  • They came along for the “ride” Christ was the victor

Fierce Wrath of God – the winepress of the fierceness of God

  • Sharp sword from the mouth of Christ
  • Rule with the rod of iron- there shall be none that will oppose.
  • Treadeth the winepress- “Crushing of grapes”
  • Fierceness and wrath of the Almighty God
  • He comes in all His glory- King of Kings, Lord of All

Fowls Called to Supper – Gather together to the supper

  • Supper of the great God- Follows supper of the lamb in heaven
  • Eat the flesh of those left dead after battle

Fires of Hell – cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone

  • The folly of making war with Christ
  • All that followed or were deceived by Satan were cast away
  • Cast alive into sulfurous fire

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