Sunday, November 9, 2008

An Army Gathered- Armageddon

Revelation 16:12-20

The day of reckoning has finally arrived. The foolish and wicked are finally put to silence. The day of repentance has passed and now man must meet his maker. The wrath of God and final judgment is poured out on all those who made their choice to worship the beast and the false prophet. Even in the face of imminent doom, man refuses to acknowledge Christ as Lord. Their heart has rebelled and hardened itself against the warning of destruction. They foolishly go forward into battle being deceived by Satan that they can overcome the God of heaven and earth. It will not be until the great judgment day that they will realize that Christ is Lord of Lords, and King of Kings. Today is the day of salvation. May we fall on our knees now and make Him Lord of our lives.

Reapers of the Vineyard - Chapter 14

  • 144,000 with Christ
  • Warning of judgment is given- Last chance- Fear God
  • Judgment to come to those with the mark of the beast
  • Reapers gather the wicked into the wine press of God’s Wrath

Rejoicing in Heaven – Chapter 15

  • The song of the redeemed- those who died for the lamb
  • They who refused to worship to the Beast
  • He is Holy, Almighty, Lord of All, and Righteous in judgment

Revelation of the Bowls – Chapter 16: 1-12

  • Sores on the body
  • Sea of Blood- life in the sea dies
  • Spring water turned to blood
  • Sun becomes hotter
  • Sunshine turns to Darkness
  • Source of Life is dried up- Euphrates river

Ready for Battle – …to gather them to battle

  • Dragon, beast, false prophet – spirit of divination
  • Battle of all battles
  • Armageddon- historical battleground

Reckoning Day – it is done, the mountains were not found

  • God speaks the word and it is finished- DONE
  • Earthquake at every fault line- earth plates collide and sink
  • All the great cities crumbles to the earth
  • The earthly kingdom of Satan falls under the wrath of God
  • The earth swallowed itself- Open and disappeared.

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