Sunday, November 16, 2008

The Great Marriage Supper

Revelation 19:1-10

The greatest celebration is yet to come. The table of God is spread and He invites all to come and sup. The call is given out to all who have made Christ king and Lord of their lives. The bride is made ready dressed in the robes of righteousness. The wicked have been judged and the feast is made ready. Let us come to worship at His feet and dine eternally.

Great Voices in Heaven - I heard a great voice of much people

  • Chorus of the Redeemed. Those written in the book of life
  • A voice that gives glory to God- He is worthy

Great Whore is Judged – for he hath judged the great whore

  • Who is God? He is true to His word. Judgments are sure
  • Whore- Can be bought. Sold to Sin.
  • Has prostituted itself for wealth, popularity and power
  • Those who knew the truth and have rejected Christ
  • Avenger of the Saint who were killed for Christ sake.

Great Praise and Worship – And again they said, Alleluia

  • The shout of praise- Rose like smoke- non stop
  • 24 elders -The redeemed church- Church leaders-Patriarchs
  • 4 beast- The kingdoms of the earth- He is Lord of Lords
  • They all fell in submission to Christ-On the Throne
  • Let all the people praise Him- small and great

Great Multitude – the voice of great multitude

  • Voices of many waters and thundering
  • For he is omnipotent and RULES by His command

Great Preparation – and his wife hath made herself ready

  • The bride has prepare for this event- Made pure
  • Requirements to be part of the bride- the church
  • The Righteousness of the saint- Through the blood of the lamb

Great Marriage Supper – Blessed are they which are called

  • The invitation was given to all- “Come unto me”
  • Whosoever will, Let him….
  • Bless are they that hunger and thirst after God

Great God Alone- worship God: for the testimony of Jesus

  • The folly of worshiping anything or anybody except Christ
  • He Alone is worthy to be worships-
  • Give honor and respect, but true obedience’s belongs to God

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