Thursday, February 16, 2023

The True Light

 John 1:9
That was the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world.
Not everyone will believe that Jesus is the true light from God. Many will turn away from this light and continue to live in darkness, and by their choice, remain blinded to their sin. Jesus came down from heaven and He pierced the darkness of this world to show us the way to salvation. Salvation is for all, and not a selected few. Every man is given the opportunity to walk in the light or to refuse the light. Only God knows the hearts of all men, and is faithful to reveal Himself in His way. We were not predestined at birth to live in darkness. Jesus came to the world and His light will reflect in the lives of those who walk in the light. To those who choose to receive the light, He provides the power to live in a world that has rejected the light and continues to live in their sin. We are not to hide our light under a bushel, but to let our light shine that others may see Christ in us. We are to be a witness of the true light, and let our lives testify of the grace of God.

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