Saturday, February 25, 2023

Obey God, Not Men

 Act 5:29
…We ought to obey God rather than men.
The laws of our land are slowly shifting away from the moral laws of God. Christians in America are facing challenges that they never had to deal with in the past. A nation that once honored the Bible and the Ten Commandment has turned its back on God and what is morally right. The laws of marriage between same genders is not only accepted, but it is to be celebrated. Anyone who speaks against such lifestyles is condemned as a bigot and hate monger. We are living in the days of Noah, and Sodom and Gomorrah, every man doing that which seems right in their own eyes, refusing to obey God, and the moral law He has given to man. The world is attempting to silence the church and the teachings of Jesus. They only take from the word what is pleasing to them and fits their ideology and philosophy of life. God is love, and we as Christians need to love others by showing God’s love to others and sharing God’s grace. But it is an injustice to others and their eternal soul not to preach the whole counsel of God. Paul obeyed God when he penned the words to abstain the appearance of evil, putting off sin and all that is unholy. We have a message of deliverance from sin, and a lifestyle that loves and gives. Let us continue to share Christ to others, and to obey God rather than men.

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