Friday, February 24, 2023

Overwhelmed Heart

 Psalm 61:2
 From the end of the earth will I cry unto thee, when my heart is overwhelmed: lead me to the rock that is higher than I.
We are often overwhelmed with the cares of life. Responsibilities at home, work, and church can be difficult to handle. On top of that, there are those times of unexpected events in our lives that bring sorrow and a heavy heart. Our hearts become overwhelmed with the loss of a loved one or a relationship that is broken. There are no words that seem to relieve  the heart that is overwhelmed. The Psalmist was facing a difficult hardship in his life, his heart was overwhelmed, and he cried out deep within for a deliverance, a rock, a strong tower that would shelter him during this time of the storm.  He realizes that he cannot do it on his own, he needs a strength beyond his own will power. Jesus is the rock that is higher than us. He is the one we flee to, the one who will give us the strength to overcome when our hearts are overwhelmed. He says, “Come unto me all of you that are heavy laden, and I will give you rest”- (Mat. 11:28). The song, “The Rock that is higher than I.” strikes a cord in our heart when the author pinned the words: “O then to the Rock let me fly, To the Rock that is higher than I; O then to the Rock let me fly, To the Rock that is higher than I!” When we find ourselves overwhelmed,  He is the Rock, our hope, our refuge in time of trouble.

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