Saturday, February 18, 2023

Power of Prayer

 Eph 6:18
​​ Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints.
Satan is the enemy of our soul. He hates God and everything that is good. He wants to destroy that which God has made. Man, the apple of God’s eye. Those who have been delivered out of darkness into the light of God must be prepared to resist the attacks of Satan. He will throw darts of  temptations, accusations, and doubt to weaken your resolve. Putting on the whole armor of God will prepare us for these attacks. Prayer is our connection to God, and our resource to access the power of God. We need each other to pray for one another. We can’t do it alone. Let us stand firm in our faith, pray for God to go before us, and uphold each other before the throne of God.

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