Thursday, February 23, 2023

Jacob's Well

 John 4:14
Jesus answered and said unto her, Whosoever drinketh of this water shall thirst again:
The well waters at Jacob’s well represents the things and pleasures of this world. The temporal and physical satisfactions. They no doubt bring a measure of satisfaction to the appetites of the flesh and some solace to our social and emotional human desires for relationships and belonging. Drinking from Jacob’s well may be satisfying for a season.  For the pleasures of sin may last for a season, but it will not bring everlasting satisfaction. Not all waters from the well are sinful, but drinking from Jacob’s well will not bring the joy and longing of the soul that will last beyond death and the grave. Jesus offers us the Living Water, The true water of life. He wants to give this water to anyone who will ask. “Come drink from me, and you will never thirst again, it is the water of life that will give you everlasting life”

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