Saturday, January 26, 2008

Faith in God

Judges 7:13-18
January 27, 2008

Gideon, a might man of courage and fortitude realized his inability to overcome the enemy. God stripped Gideon of any plausibility that the battle would be won through his own strength. The Lord takes the weak and empowers them with His Spirit to overcome the difficulties of life. We must have faith in God that He will enable us to see victory.

Willing Soldiers (Gideon prepares his army)
• Releasing the fearful
• Releasing the careless
• Retaining watchful
Weak Made Strong (vs13. Cake of barley)
• God takes the weak elements of our lives and uses them
• His power is made manifest in our weakness
• As a church, we are weak, but God is in control
Worried Enemies (vs14. God had delivered his enemy)
• The Lord was working and preparing the situation
• The enemy trembles when the saints start to believe God
Worship the Lord (vs.15. Gideon…worshiped)
• We draw our strength by worshiping God
• Through worship we begin to realize our weakness
• God is exalted and lifted up in the place of worship
Weapons of the Lord (vs16. Trumpet, lamps, pitcher)
• God’s weapons are not carnal- (man depended)
• God will often use the insignificant to His glory
Watch and Wait (vs17.19. Look on me…set the watch)
• Gideon’ men needed to obey to see the victory
• Don’t get ahead of God when doing battle-Wait for His orders
War Cry of the Saints (vs20. Sword of the Lord)
• Praising God for the victory that will be won
• Shout your faith- dare to go out on a limb
• With God ALL things are possible-Claim God’s promise
Warfare with the Enemy (vs22. The Lord set everyman against…)
• The battle is not ours, but God's
• We must rely of God to give us the victory
Winning to the Glory of God (vs23. Pursued after the Midianites)
• There is no god, compared to Thee O God!
• To God be all the glory

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