Saturday, January 12, 2008

The God of Host

Deborah and Barak
Judges 4:4-9, 12-16
January 13th, 2008

The oppression of sin soon becomes hard to bear, for the way of the transgressor is hard. It is not long before there is a cry out for deliverance from bondage. God in His mercy, once again, raises a man or women to fill in the gap and to make up the hedge. Deborah and Barak were willing to heed the call of God, picking up the sword and to go forward in battle. Their confidence and trust were placed in the God of Host who promised them victory.

Prophetess of God (vs1. Deborah, a prophetess)
• A woman close to God
• Women in leadership positions.
Proclaimed God’s Commands (vs2. Hath not the Lord…Commanded)
• Deborah know the mind of God
• It was assumed that Barak should also know what God wants
Procuring God’s Leadership (vs8. Go with me.)
• Barak- a weak man? Or a wise man?
• May all glory be reflected away from self.
Pursuit of the Enemy (vs13. Sisera gathered together all…)
• The harassment of the enemy
• The intimation of Satan- It does not look good.
• The enemy wants us to stay afraid and discouraged
Promise of Deliverance (vs14. Hath not the Lord gone out…)
• The Lord said He will give the victory
• Our we willing to let go and let God be God
• God’s promises are ours for the asking
Power of the God of Host (vs.15. The Lord discomfited)
• The Lord brought confusion to the enemy
• The Lord still used his creation for His purposes
Profound Victory (vs16. There was not a man left)
• It was God who gave the victory
• He destroys those who fight against His purposes
• Celebration of Victory (Deborah’s Song)

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