Saturday, January 12, 2008

Israel's Sin and Salvation

Judges 2:11-23
January 6th, 2008
The people of Israel stayed victorious as long as they stayed faithful to God’s commandments, but they failed to take heed to the voice of God, and allowed self to take control. There failure to trust God and believe, led them to depart from the living God. This serves as an example for us, to remain faithful to God, and to obey His Word, lest we find ourselves shipwrecked and forsaken.

Conquest of the Land
(Josh.ch11:23- land rested from war)
• Johsua’s initial conquest- Not all
• Choose this day- We will serve God
• Cooperation among the tribe
Condition of Israel (vs11. Did evil)
• “They did not drive them out”
• Generation fallen to selfish living
• They played the “Harlot” with other nations
• They did evil in the SIGHT OF GOD
Condemnation of God (vs14. Anger of the Lord)
• God’s anger was “hot” against them
• He gave them up to the enemy (reprobate mind)
• They were always under distress- no peace of mind
Conquering the Enemy (vs16. The Lord…delivered them)
• The faithfulness of God to raise a deliverer
• God loves the backslider
Commandment Disobeyed (vs17 the commandments…they did not)
• Unfaithful to stay true to His commandments
• Forsaking His Word for selfish pleasures
Corruption of Morals (vs17 went a whoring)
• Went whoring after other gods
• Turned quickly out of the way
Compassion of the Lord (vs18. It repented the Lord)
• God hears the cry of those who earnestly seek Him
• God will not turn away a earnest heart
Covenant Transgressed (vs20. Transgress my Covenant)
• Keeping our promises- “Lord, If you will…)
• Honor and integrity is lost- no commitment
Consequences of Sin (vs23. The Lord left those nations…)
• Failure to deal with sin will come back to bite
• God’s help is withheld- Life is without hope without God

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