Saturday, February 2, 2008

A Nazarite From Birth

Judges 13:2-6, 11-14, 24,25
February 3rd, 2008

Samson was born in a day when the sons of Israel did evil in the sight of the Lord. The pleading of the remnant that still desired to worship the true God was heard from the portal of heaven’s door. God sent His angel to comfort and reassure these remaining few that God was still in control and a deliverer was forthcoming. From the womb of the barren, God brought forth Samson to Manoah and his wife. It was their charge to train this child in the way he should go. Even though Samson fell, he never was able to get away from the seeds that were planted in his heart as a child.

Barren and Childless (vs. 2. His wife was barren)
• The approach of being childless-Bible times
• God hears the plight of Manoah wife
• God sends comfort and reassurance
Beware of Strong Drink (vs. 4. Beware…drink not)
• Wine or strong drinks were prohibited- Biblical principle
• Eating thinks that are unclean- Law of Moses
Born a Nazarite (vs. 5. Shall be a Nazarite unto God.)
• Sacred vow of separation- vine tree, no razor, no dead body
• The cost of discipleship of the believer
o Sacrifice- not just sinful pleasures, but legit pleasures
o Shame- Willing to bare the reproach- pride gone
o Separation- Being dead to the world-avoid it (sin)
Bring Up A Child (vs. 12. How shall we order the child)
• The importance of training- It will not depart
• Love God, love mercy (man), walk humbly (righteous living)
Blessed of the Lord (vs. 24. The Lord blessed him)
• The Lord had a purpose for Samson
• Stayed true to his vow
Being Moved by His Spirit (vs. 25. The Spirit…began to move him)
• What does it mean to be moved by the Spirit?
• His moves will be consistent with God’s Word
• His moving is not always demonstrative
• When was the last time His Spirit moved in your heart?
• Are you sensitive to His Spirit- His prompting and checks?

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