Saturday, January 19, 2008

The Call of Gideon

Judges 6:11-16, 22-26
January 20th, 2008

Before heeding the call of God, one may often be faced with fears of uncertainty. “What does God really wants me to do?” Feelings of inadequacy and inability to perform the task plague the mind with doubt. “Does God really expect me to do this?” It is not until we see God for who He is that we begin to realize that it is not through our capabilities, but through the mighty power of God’s presence and His promise to go with us, that we can accomplish the task. We can rest in knowing that God will be with us and help us through our battles.

Visitation of The Lord (vs11. There came an angel)
• The ordinary world- Gideon doing his job
• Silent invitation- “Lord deliver us”
• Mercy of God to visit mankind
Valor Man (vs12. Mighty man of valor)
• What does it mean to be a valor person?
• Backbone, fearless, firmness, gallantry, fortitude, true grit
• Character that matters.
Verification of His Presence (vs13. if the Lord be with us)
• It is important to know that God is leading
• Gideon’s doubts seem to be founded-
Vessel of God (vs14. Thou ‘Gideon’ shall save Israel)
• God uses men and women to fulfill His will.
• He promises to “clothe us with his presence”
Void of Pride (vs15. I am the least…)
• Humbleness of spirit- God desires to use the humble
• It is not in our abilities, but our availability
Victory through God (vs16. Thou shall smite…)
• There is no god compared to thee O God!
• It is through Christ that we can do all things
• It is God who receives Glory- It is He who give the victory
Vision of the LORD (vs22. I have seen… the LORD)
• When we see the LORD all else fades away into the background
• Seeing Him for who He is.
Voice of Assurance (vs23. The LORD said… fear not)
• When He speaks all is well
• The assurance of knowing he keeps His promises
Veracity of Gideon (vs24. Gideon built an altar, and threw down Baal)
• Gideon is a true man of God and does what is right
• Returns to worship and opposes false worship

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