Saturday, January 12, 2008

Contend for the Faith

December 1st, 2008
Jude 1-4, 17-25
The battle for our faith never ceases. The devil is out, here and there, seeking whom he may destroy. His objective is to turn us away from the grace of God and depend on the flesh. Jude is writing to all believers in Christ that they not be sidetrack from true doctrine of Christ, be on alerts, keep ourselves clean, live a life of prayer and love for all. Do what we can to warn other of false doctrine, showing them the true grace of God, hence saving them from hell fire. Above all, stay focus on God who is able to give us the victory for every battle.

Profile of Jude (vs.1. brother of James)
• May or may not be related to Jesus- Half brother?
• Servant of Christ
Preserved in Christ (vs.1. Preserved in Christ)
• To those that are set apart for a holy calling
• Kept holy through the blood of Christ
• Keep yourself in the love of God- vs.21
Pressing the Faith (vs. 3. Earnestly contend)
• Exhortation to continue on in the Faith- Don’t give up
• Fight for what is right- in the right spirit
• Hold on to the doctrine of Christ taught by the Apostles
Perversion of Gospel (vs. 4. Turning the grace…)
• Infiltration of ungodly men- they looked the part
• Turning God’s grace to be self serving
• Denying the Lord’s deity and lordship
Praying in Holy Ghost (vs. 20. Praying in the Holy Ghost)
• What does it mean to “pray in the Holy Ghost”
• Outcome: to make yourself stronger in the faith
Pulled out of the Fire (vs. 23. Pulling them out of the fire)
• Saving those from eternal damnation
• Love of God does persuade us to reach out to other
• Conscience of lost souls in need of Christ
Presented Faultless (vs. 24. Present you faultless)
• Sin will not be found in the believer
• Christians are KEPT – sustained by God’s grace
• Kept till the very end.
Praise and Exaltation (vs. 25. Be glory and majesty)
• He alone is worth of our praise- the only
• He has all dominion-control, and power over all-forever

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