Saturday, April 22, 2023

Learning to Forgive

Mat 18:27
Then the lord of that servant was moved with compassion, and loosed him, and forgave him the debt.
Jesus, desiring to show his disciples what forgiveness looks like, told the story of the king that forgave his servant, but the servant would not forgive the person who owed him money. The king, hearing about this, could not tolerate the injustice and changed his mind, and required his servant to pay it all. The moral of the story is, If you want forgiveness, you also must be willing to forgive others who did you wrong. Forgiveness is a willful choice that is made because the love of God constrains us to forgive. We realize that we are sinners and in need of forgiveness. Jesus, who died for you and me, paid the ultimate price and forgave us saving us from eternal damnation. When we feel that we have been betrayed or wrongfully accused by someone, it comes with real pain and disappointment. Forgiveness does not always come easy and sometimes over time, the pain eases up, but never goes away. David Branon writes in Our Daily Bread, “Forgiveness at its fullest can be realized when both parties move toward healing and reconciliation. And while it doesn’t remove the effects of harm done or the need to be discerning in how to address painful or unhealthy relationships, it can lead to restored ones—testifying to God’s love and power. Let’s look for ways to “extend forgiveness” for His honor.” We forgive because He has forgiven us, and He is our great example of how to live each day of our lives.

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