Friday, April 7, 2023

Crucify Him

 Luke 23:21
 But they cried, saying, crucify him, crucify him.

A week ago, the people were praising Him, “Hosanna! Blessed is the king that comes in the name of the Lord.” Some say that these were the same people now crying out to crucify Him, crucify Him! I like to think that they were not. The crowd last were filled with hope and anticipation that Jesus would be their deliverer. I believe many of them were heartbroken to see their hopes dashed by the events that were happening. Those that were crying out for the blood of Jesus to be put to death were those who felt threatened by His popularity and the large following He was gathering.  The Pharisee, Sadducees, Sanhedrin, and many of the religious sector who were blinded by their own self righteousness and greed for power. They were convicted by the life of Jesus. The crowd last week were fearful for their lives to be identified with Jesus, and I believe, feared repercussions from the religious leaders. But, their refusal to stand up for Jesus made them part responsible for Jesus being crucified. They may not have cried out, “crucify Him!” but like Peter, they were guilty of forsaking Him. His death on the cross was necessary for the salvation of mankind. It was prophesied many hundreds of years ago. We don’t have control over the events of life and what happens tomorrow, but we can still do what is right today, and live a life that is not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ. Many still today are nailing Him to the cross and crucify Him afresh and anew. But we can take a stand for God and take up the cross and follow Him.

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