Monday, April 17, 2023

His Lovingkindness

 Isaiah 63:7a
 I will mention the lovingkindness of the Lord, and the praises of the Lord, according to all that the Lord hath bestowed on us, and the great goodness toward the house of Israel…

Before Christ came to earth to show His lovingkindness and grace, it was manifested in God the Father throughout the Old Testament. God is often portrayed as a God of judgment before He sent His Son to the world. There is no denying that God hates sin and those who refuse to follow the commandments of God, reaping what they sow. But His goodness and lovingkindness is demonstrated throughout the Old Testament by showing mercy to all who would repent from their wicked way and turn back to Him. Over and over again, Israel would return to their idols and forget what God had done for them, and endlessly, God would entreat His people to return back to the old paths of living according to His righteousness. He still shows His lovingkindness in this present age. His goodness is seen through the work of the Holy Spirit who continues to work and convict the hearts of men. May we keep our hearts and minds open to what God wants and let others know of His lovingkindness

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