Saturday, November 23, 2019

Pleasing God

1Thess 2:4 But as we were allowed of God to be put in trust with the gospel, even so we speak; not as pleasing men, but God, which trieth our hearts.

We all want the approval of others. And as Christian, we do our best to please others and make the life of others easier and gratifying. It is not a sin to go out of your way to please someone if it is for the right reason. Seeking approval of others to gain their special favor for your selfish gain is to miss the mark. We all want to be accepted, and will sometimes do things to seek others approval. Such seeking is not restricted to the young and low self-esteem individual, but finds its way into adulthood. The things we do should not be dictated whether it will meet the approval of others, but ultimately does it meet the approval of God. Is He pleased with what we say or what we do? He who knows the heart right discerns our motive for seeking approval. He sees the reason behind everything we do. We sometimes have to make decisions that will not meet the approval of those looking on, but we must not let that influence our purpose or decision to do what is right and acceptable to the One we must give an account. May our action meet the approval of God and let the consequence fall into the hands of God who knows best.

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