Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Bearing Fruit in Old Age

Psalm 92:14  They shall still bring forth fruit in old age

The days of man are numbered, and getting old eventually comes if God allows. How old do you need to be to be considered reaching old age? Yes, it has been said that we are as old as we feel, but at some point we all reach “old age” Physical appearance, the graying of the hair, the sagging of the skin, the bending of the shoulders, or the pace of our walk all can be indications that we have reached “old age”. Our body begins to wear down, our mind is not as quick as it use to be, and it appears that our usefulness to be used of God is diminished. God has a plan for each one of us as we grow older. We may no longer be able to do the things we were able to do in our youth, but this does not mean that we stop bearing fruit for the kingdom. God is faithful as we grow older to provide a way for us to be fruit bearer. He knows our physical limitations, but we can still be a light of hope and encouragement to those who follow our footsteps. May the prayers of the saints and the wisdom of old age be a guiding light to those who follow.

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