Thursday, November 14, 2019

Hold On To Faith

Heb. 10:23  Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; (for he is faithful that promised).

The devil is out seeking to destroy our faith in God. Our faith in the blood of Christ to remain clean and pure. We have come into this relationship with Christ through His death on the cross. His blood was shed to remove the guilt of sin. We have been granted access to the holiness of God. Let us not lose sight of the prize before us, His faithfulness to keep his promises to protect us from the darts of the enemy. The journey does not get any easier as we walk with the Lord, we must surround ourselves with likeminded believers, encouraging one another in the faith. Praying for strength in the times of testing. There is strength in numbers as we gather together in our respected places to worship and find solace in God. Let us draw closer to God and closer to the body of believers even more so as we see the end coming.

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