Wednesday, August 21, 2019

The New Man

Eph 4:24 And that ye put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness.

If you really know Jesus as you Lord and Savior, then the old life of sin will be put off and new the life in Christ will be put on. There may be some old habits that putting off may take time, but as we learn more about Jesus, He gives us the help we need to put off the things that bring leanness to our heart. What does this new man look like? How does this new man live? The new man is a seeker after the holiness of God. He desires to live right and do right. His life is controlled by God. He walks in the light that God gives him and allows the Holy Spirit to led him in the path of righteousness and true holiness. It is the will of God that the new man be sanctified and be a vessel filled with the Holy Spirit, ready to be used by Him.

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