Tuesday, August 27, 2019

God Does Not Sleep

Psalm 121:3,4 … He that keeps you will not slumber…Behold, He that keeps Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep.

He is a God of 24-7. No matter the time of day or night He watches over His children. His voice is sometimes absent and there may be times that we feel He is no where around. Like Job, we look around and it seems that God is gone and we are left alone. But, we serve a God who is omnipresent, who does not forget where we are and what needs we have. God does not need to be awaken, He is always watching over us and keeping us. The Holy Spirit is given to us to help us walk and led us in path of righteousness. We need not fear that He will walk away or fall asleep in time of need. We serve a God who loves us and desires to keep us safe in the palm of His hand.

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