Friday, August 23, 2019

Seek To Be First

Mark 9:35 If any man desire to be first, the same shall be last of all, and servant of all.

In the Kingdom of God, being first has a different meaning than the earthly kingdom. Living in this world, being first means that you are at the top and greatest among those around you. Your VIP status grants you power to often get what you want, and bid people to serve you at your pleasure. Being popular, or having charge is not necessary wrong, but one must guard against abusing this status to serve selfish wants and desires. Being first in the Kingdom of God is to lay down your earthly status and be willing to wash the feet of those that follow you. To serve others, as Christ served on earth. We are called to be servants of God, to use our earthly status to be a blessing to those who need a helping hand. Being first in the Kingdom is being willing to receive the least among you and extend God’s love and grace. If you seek to be first, seek the Kingdom of God.

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