Monday, December 31, 2018

The Messenger

Mal 3:1a Behold, I will send my messenger, and he shall prepare the way before me….

Because He is faithful He sends His messengers to give words of hope or warning. The messenger comes in various forms and God uses them to communicate to us what we need. The messenger most often will speak through the Word of God. The Bible is God’s message to us. Within the pages of its cover hold the word of eternal life and eternal damnation. Hope and warning is given to all who seek Him in His word. The Messenger is also the man of God, or women of God that proclaims His truth without fear or favor of men. The messenger can also be a friend of a foe who speaks the truth. The truth spoken by a foe may be intended to hurt, but God can use them to reveal or heal. Lastly, God uses circumstances in our lives and the Holy Spirit speaks to us that there is a message for us to learn and be drawn closer to Him. Let us open our hearts to the message that God has for us.

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