Tuesday, December 18, 2018

We May Never See

Deut 34:4b …I have caused thee to see it with thine eyes, but thou shalt not go over thither.

As promised, Moses was not permitted to enter into the promise land. Yes, he dropped the ball and he paid the price, but God would not leave him without consolation. God open his eyes to see the inheritance that would be granted to his seed. For whatever reasons, we may never realized the fruit of our labors. We toil in the fields before us, sowing the seed of God’s love and Christ’s forgiveness. We may never see the harvest in our day. We take consolation in knowing that God will be faithful, and His word will not be sowed in vain. Yes, the harvest is ready, and some are gathering, but the seed must be buried before there is a harvest to reap. Moses was faithful to sow the seed of deliverance, Joshua took them into the promise land.

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