Friday, December 21, 2018

My Father's Business

Luke: 2:49 And he said unto them, How is it that ye sought me? wist ye not that I must be about my Father's business?

What is your business? What do you find yourself being busy about? We are all busy taking care of business. This is a heart searching question. What are the priorities in my life that keep me busy from day to day? What business occupies my time that I don’t take time to be about my Father’s business? As I event journal from day to day, I find that work consumes much of my day. I spend a lot of time preparing myself to be the best teacher I can be. Being good at what I do is important to me. To be fair to myself, this is what God called me to do. I’m about doing by Father’s business, doing what He called me to do. But everyone needs to work and some people work because they are just try to survive to pay the bills. My Father’s business goes beyond the 50-55 hours I put in each week. Then there is the cares of life the also consume hours of our day. Cleaning, repairing, cooking, shopping, and washing are all things that keep us busy. When do we find time to be about doing our Father’s business. Most of us are not called into full time ministry, but we all have some part in contributing to building the kingdom of God. We all have work that we can do to be about our Father’s business.  

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