Monday, December 24, 2018

Ponder On Jesus

Luke 2:19 But Mary kept all these things, and pondered them in her heart.

Christmas activities are coming to an end. Potlucks, church dinners, recitals, parties, programs, caroling, and white elephant gift exchanges. All were done in the spirit of the Christmas season. Christmas Eve and Day will wrap up the festivities of this special occasion. But, have we taken the time to ponder the reason for the season. Yes, we know the real reason, but do we really ponder the wonderful love of God. God, who so loved the world, sent His Son to earth to live and die among us. To be the everlasting gift of salvation. The gift of forgiveness, the burden of sin is gone, our sins cast into the sea of forgetfulness. His Spirit given to us to abide in us, and lead us on this earthly journey. Ponder the gift of hope, love, joy and peace. Ponder and think on Jesus. Like Mary, let us take time to ponder these things in our heart.

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