Saturday, April 28, 2018

Committed to God

2 Tim 1:12.14 I am not ashamed: for I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day…That good thing which was committed unto thee keep by the Holy Ghost which dwells in us.

Being committed has lost its meaning in our present culture. There are fewer and fewer people willing to stay committed to what they say they will do. Being committed is like keeping a promise. Staying true and following through what you started regardless of the inconvenience or hardship that it may cause. As Christians, we came to Christ as sinners, and He forgave us of our past and made us new creatures. We become a follower of Christ. As we walk with Him, we commit our ways to His way and make decisions and promises to follow Him no matter what comes. Our commitment is test and in our own humanity we fall short of keeping that commitment. But, staying true to our word is made possible when we have the Holy Spirit dwelling within us. It was not until Pentecost that the disciples were able to stay true to their commitment to follow Christ regardless of the circumstances. Before then, they boasted of their commitment, but came short when they were put to the test. What a difference in their commitment when the Holy Spirit came to live and dwell in their hearts. The indwelling of the Holy Spirit with power does not happen by accident. It happens when believers are willing to surrender not only their sins to the cross, but to commit their entire lives to perfect will of God.

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