Tuesday, April 10, 2018

I Believe

Mark 9:23  Jesus said to him, If you can believe, all things are possible to him that believe.

Believing that Jesus died on the cross to save me from my sins is not difficult for me. I believe in the love of God and His desire to have fellowship with man. I believe that God is good and that He has a purpose for all things that happen to me and in the world around me. I may not understand it all, but I believe. I also believe that He is able to take a broken body and make it whole again. A body broken down by disease or wrecked by sin. It is not that I don’t believe that God is able, but is He willing? Pain, suffering, sickness is part of life’s journey. People by the thousands die each day without any intervention from God. People cry out to God to see a miracle of divine healing, and to the most part, healing does not happen. Does that mean that our prayers fell short of God standard of believing? It is still a mystery to me when God chooses to heal and not heal. God’s ways are beyond my understanding, but this one thing I believe, that God’s grace is sufficient to bring us through any circumstance in life. I believe all thing are possible with God, and that He is sovereign in all things.

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