Friday, May 4, 2018

I Am Well Pleased

Mat. 3:17  And lo a voice from heaven, saying, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.

Jesus laid down His God powers to become man and live and walk this earth as a human being. And in all points was tempted as a man, but without sin. The God-Man lived His life to please the Father. At no time did Jesus use His powers to serve himself, but always to serve others. He could have turned stone into bread, called the angels from heaven to destroy those who meant Him harm, but he choose to live and suffer as a man. The voice from heaven affirmed the work that Christ and it pleased the Father. Each one of us has a calling from God to fulfill that which is well pleasing to Him. We but need to listen to His voice and follow His will. May we also hear from heaven those words “My son, my daughter, I am well pleased with you.”

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