Tuesday, April 11, 2017

They Knew Not

Luke 23:34 Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do…

Blinded by sin people often lash out or act out in ways that hurt or betray others. They don’t know how to love because sin and self controls their life. They do what is natural to them. Hard to imagine being the one to strike the nails in the hands of Jesus, or to be the one crying out “Crucify Him!” But sin is no respecter of person, it will cause people to do things that they thought they would never do. When others do or say things about us, it is natural to be resentful or even despiteful toward them. Forgiving those who cause us hurt requires that we have the mind of Christ and know the heart of God. The heart of God so loved the world that even tho the world would reject Him, He sent His Son to be the sacrifice for sin. As Christ hung on the cross, being put to death by those He loved, He spoke words of forgiveness for they were all lost in sin and in need of a Savior. 

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