Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Overtaken in a Fault

Gal 6:1 Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are spiritual, restore such an one in the spirit of meekness; considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted.

In a moment of weakness, Satan will take advantage of our failure to stay close to God. We have not arrived yet, and we all are subject to the temptations that beset us. Even those that are spiritual are not exempt from temptation and from the potential of being overtaken by sin. We all have our faults and shortcomings, but Paul is not speaking of inability to live perfect human lives. Overtaken in a fault is to succumb to Satan’s enticements to go contrary to what God wants. God’s desire is that we sin not, and we all have a choice to follow that command even in times of weakness. But, we must not allow a wrong choice to cause us to give up and quit serving God. Being spiritual or set apart to live a holy life should be the desire and drive of our life, but it does not immune us from failure. God is also in the restoration business. He cares about us and will not leave us in our failure. In the spirit of meekness, let us consider how we can help others stay connected or help to reconnect to a God who gives grace to all that reach out to Him. 

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