Wednesday, April 19, 2017

The Aroma of Christ

2 Corinth 2:15  For we are unto God a sweet savour of Christ…

The aroma of Christ is becoming to all who smell its fragrance. As we live and mingle among others at work, school, and social events, our lives should be giving off the fragrance of Jesus. What is the aroma of Christ? What scent do we give off as live ours lives in a world that is not friendly to grace? We are the flowers of God’s creation. Born again, made new in Christ to show the world that love is possible even when it is hard to love. The sweet aroma of our lives is found in Christ. It is found in a life that is sanctified and set apart to do the will of God and love the world as Christ loved. It often will require that we put off our own wants and desires to show love and kindness to those who may be unloveable. The true test of our Christian life is not in what we say we believe, but in how we live out are beliefs. Be careful calling yourself a Christian if the fragrance of your life turns people off to real religion. 

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