Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Keep From Idols

1 John 5:21 Little children, keep yourselves from idols. Amen.

Literal idol worship is not seen in large numbers in the USA. There are religions that worship “things” and will bow or give credence to an erected object, but in a country that mostly calls itself “Christian” idol worship is not seen. But an idol is more than just an animate object, it is anything that we think is more important than serving God. The definition of idol is expanded to be anything that keeps you from doing what is right and being what God desires you to be. This takes on many forms and is different for each person. There was a day that I would forsake the worship of God on His day to stay home and watched a football game. I did not want to miss this game, and putting the worship of God in His house would keep me from this game. The football game became my idol, I saw it as more important than worshipping God. When I truly gave my life to the Lord and made Him Lord of my life, I made the choice to always put the things of God 1st if it was in my power to do so. There are so many “idols” that I would not know where to start and finish, but God who knows the heart, and can discerns the thought and indents of the heart, knows if we seek Him first or our own desires. May we always make the right choice, and keep ourselves from idols that will hinder us from being all that God wants us to be. 

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