Wednesday, January 11, 2017

In The Spirit

Romans: 8:8,9a So then, those who are in the flesh cannot please God. But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit…”

A person who has turned their life over to Christ will no longer live a life of sin. The scripture is clear that if Christ be in you, then the Spirit will provide the means for the Christians to overcome the temptation to sin. We were born in sin and were dead in our sin, but accepting and believing in Jesus has allowed the Spirit to quicken us to life. Once dead in sin, now alive in Christ. Through the Spirit we are able to subdue lustful desires that originate from the carnal body. If we desire to please God, we cannot allow the flesh to rule how we act and behave. We must deny (mortify)  any fleshly desire by the help of the Spirit in order to please God. 

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