Monday, January 23, 2017

The Religion of Christianity

Mark. 6:12 12 And they went out and preached that men should repent.

The commission of Christ to believers is to spread the news that men need to repent of their sins and turn to Christ to have their sins forgiven. Those that heed, and repent will find a personal relationship with Jesus that will bring everlasting life. Such relationship goes beyond a mere religion of following a set of rules and rituals. The religion of Christianity is without sin. To be in harmony with Christ, and to abide in the Vine, a person must repent of a life style that violates His commandments. Repent is to turn away from the way you were living and turn to Christ for a new life. To abstain and repent of sin without Christ is to follow a man made religion. Christianity is not a man made religion, it is a religion that God created in order to have fellowship with man. This fellowship in Christ results in man loving God with all their hearts and their neighbor as themselves. Therefore, pure religion is undefiled before God and the Father, to visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world. (Jame 1:27)

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