Thursday, January 12, 2017

The Throne of Grace

Hebrews 4:16 “Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.”-

God not only sees our situation, but He also understands what we face day to day. There is nothing that is hidden from God. We may think that God’s care has left us to defend for ourselves, but Christ, our great empathizer identifies with our need. His Word discerns the motive of our heart and see the cry of our soul. Because we are now a part of the family of God, made heirs to His riches in heaven, we can come without hesitation into the presences of God. In God's precence, we humble ourselves to Him, we will find that He is loving and gracious. Desiring to show us mercy and provide for us what we need. The throne of grace is not a place of judgment, but a place where we can have our needs met. To those who need forgiveness, comfort, or a physical touch, He is there to pour out His grace. We need not fear the presence of God, if we come Him in humility and submit to His tender mercies, He will be there to meet our every need.

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