Friday, December 30, 2016

Alone With God

Mat. 13:23 “And when He had sent the multitudes away, He went up onto a mountain apart to pray. And when evening had come, He was there alone.

We live in a culture were we are constantly on the move. We race against time to get things done. There seems to be not enough hours in a day to finish what we start. Jesus, went about His day working to meet the needs of people. Healing, feeding, comforting  and forgiving people who recognize their helpless condition. Yet, He made time to be alone with His Father. How much more necessary is it that we take time out of our day to be alone with God. Time to read His Word, time to meditate of His love, time to worship Him, time for Him to search our hearts, and time to petition Him for our needs and the needs of others. With the demands of the day, it is not always easy to slip away to be alone with God, but it is imperative that we do. When we get alone with God we are able to enter into His presence to pour out our hearts, refresh our spirits, and know the mind of God. With purpose, let us put aside those things that distract us, and draw nigh to God, for He has promise to be there for us. 

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